Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Got the phone - still not out of the woods...

So, yesterday I finally got the call from the friendly Purolator lady asking me to come to their local location to pick up my package. Yay. However after picking it up, and looking at the bright yellow sheet that said something to the matter of "When you receive your phone, call this number to activate" and calling that number, I got a guy that told me that activating phones over the phone is against their policies and that I should go to a store to do it. After arguing for a few minutes that I was just following the instructions included with the package and that I have had the phone activated over the phone before (to which he retorted that whoever did that for me before should be fired), I got the guy's employee ID and name and hung up. Going to the store tomorrow to get this damn thing finally activated and get it over with. *sigh*

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