Thursday, March 13, 2008

21 days, still no phone

Called Bell Mobility Customer Service this morning where a lovely girl called Mercedes passed me on to a talkative guy named Dmitri who then "escalated" me to some customer experience improvement person whose name I didn't bother remembering at this point, that offered me to take a month off my bill for the inconvenience.

Awesome - I don't have a phone, I don't receive my business emails, I can't talk to my friends and family, but I don't have to pay for it. Customer satisfaction at its best. To make a long story short - the HTC Touch, or rather Bell UTStarcom MP6900 phones are still "on back order"...

Update: Stopped by another Bell Mobility store on the way home - as long as I was willing to become a new customer, there were phones-a-plenty for me of "HTC Touch" models in both black and white colors... I feel so appreciated as a customer that's been with Bell for 4 years right now...

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